The Joker’s Monologue

Jonathan Agusa
2 min readFeb 8, 2024


Everyone thinks I’m crazy.

“He’s a mad man!” They say all the time.

I’m just a simple man. I see something funny; I laugh. Sometimes, I pull pranks. I love to entertain. It’s sorta like — like I was born to make people laugh. It’s like my purpose. That’s why I put so much work into making a good show!

Some of my friends even called me “the great entertainer” — lovely lads, sadly, they kicked the bucket during one of our skits. I’m such a great entertainer. My whole life, people always laughed at me, even when I didn’t want them to. I was such a hard ass. It’s so embarrassing — thinking of how much of a hard ass I was back then. But now I get it. I’m so hilarious. Even when I don’t mean to, people just can’t seem to get enough of how funny I am. It’s my gift. A blessing.

I’m a full-time comedian now. It’s not an easy job, you know? Planning skits, orchestrating pranks, evading Batsy boy.. it’s a tough job, you know? But I do it for the laughs. Ever since I started doing this full time, I started noticing how hard I was able to make people laugh. Nowadays, most people laugh so hard, they begin to cry! I love my job.

It’s just so sad that they are so many people with such terrible sense of humour. They just can’t seem to get it, no matter what. And I work so hard to make them see understand how hilarious it all is. But they are just too difficult. Even if you tied them up and drew pretty illustrations on their body, they still don’t seem to get it.

What’s the point of living, if you can’t have a good laugh sometimes? That’s why I kill them.

Batsy boy loves to make a big fuss all the time about what I do. “You can’t do that Joker, it’s wrong, blah blah blah.” He loves to act so serious all the time. He enjoys my bits though. He won’t admit it, but he always has a lot of fun when we play around like we do.

There’s nothing wrong about what I do. I’m just misunderstood, that’s all. A good joke depends on the perspective. People just don’t get it. That’s why I make them get it.

Running skits and pranks, ain’t cheap though. Plus my work is of a… non-non profit nature. But the show must go on. That’s why I often visit the bank to take donations. Making people laugh isn’t cheap.

Okay, that’s all from me. And remember kids — always laugh before you sleep, else Uncle Joker would have to do something about it.

Till my next skit,



