On Drugs And Alcohol

Jonathan Agusa
3 min readJul 26, 2024


I don’t drink a lot of alcohol, and I have never done drugs before. The reason is because I haven’t been fortunate enough to come across them before, and I’m not the sort of person to seek things out. I believe that the good things of this world that are meant for me will meet me at my doorstep. But I’m not really morally opposed to indulging in them. The only thing that worries me is getting too carried away and becoming addicted. I hate addictions. And as someone that constantly battles with anxiety, I can actually see myself becoming a drug addict.

I mean, I love the occasional “down-spiralings” in my life — moments when I indulge in my addictions with reckless abandon. But my addiction to zobo, social media, and anime, aren’t particularly life-threatening enough, so it’s hard to compare with drugs and alcohol (well, zobo has actually threatened my life once before). Anxiety and depression has more or less had a very consistent presence in my life, but the thought of “taking care of it” with drugs hardly ever crosses my mind. But then again, I just haven’t been so fortunate to come across them. I know no drug dealers, and my friends are all boring individuals.

But I actually do have a relationship with alcohol, but it’s a really healthy one so it doesn’t count. The only kind of alcohol I drink is wine. But wine is expensive, so I only drink it on special occasions. I drink beer sometimes, but only when I’m with people that are drinking beer (I easily give in to peer pressure), otherwise, you’d never see me touching that devil’s piss. The average beer tastes like crap. I don’t take spirits for the same reason. It tastes terrible, and I’m not in the business of drinking to get drunk or loosen up. I very much enjoy being the death of a party, and nothing brings me more joy that killing your vibe. Plus why should I be drunk? Why would I risk a terrible hangover, just for a [very rare] moment of idiocy and vulnerability? And if I’m drunk, who is going to laugh at my drunk friends and record them being drunk and doing stupid things?

Don’t be deceived though, I don’t live the sort of life that puts me in front of alcohol and drugs very often. I stay at home a lot, and my company has been satisfactory. It may sound boring, but nothing pleases me more than a boring life. But with all this being said, it’s easy to see why I can’t get drunk. Not just drunk on alcohol — but in life generally, I just can’t do it. I can’t get lost in the feeling, I can’t get intoxicated with the joys of living, I can’t get drunk. Maybe someday I will, but till then, I can say that I’m satisfied with this boring life.

I just hope I haven’t been sounding too dishonest. I can’t say that I’m a big fan of drugs and alcohol, but I really don’t mind. It’s hard to tell where I stand on the topic because I don’t think I have been in a position where I have had easy access to them. Those are the moments that defines a person’s character, not saying that you can’t do drugs when you’ve never been in a room with cocaine or LSD before. The most that many of us has seen is cheap weed that has been mixed with diced scent leaf. So if I have been sounding like I don’t know where I stand on the issue, and have been more or less spouting empty ramblings, at least now you know why.

